Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Anthony Campisi | May 18th, 2023

How CRM can help with the final enrollment push

What does diversity look like within your funnel?One of the many benefits of a well-designed, strategic email communications flow is that it can mostly function on its own throughout the year, serving to shepherd leads within your CRM from the prospect phase to seated student.

When you create your audiences, filters and messaging at the beginning of the year, it is likely that you have spaced out your communications to avoid overload with a messaging framework focused on critical actions throughout the process. This plan works great for the prospects that funnel in during your key recruiting season because there is enough time to give them the relevant information they need, when they need it. But what about the leads that enter in the funnel toward the end of your recruiting season?

Here are a few ways you can utilize your CRM to maximize communication efficiency and encourage action for late-entry leads.

Simplify your messaging

When prospects are considering your program, but have entered into the information gathering process later than others, they need the most critical details quickly so they can make decisions. Consider creating a condensed 3-4 email communications flow that introduces your program and its benefits, answers their questions, connects them to the admissions team and clearly outlines an action plan.

Within this type of condensed messaging framework, think about including links to key program features like residencies, curriculum and faculty vs. fully explaining each in detail. Be sure to address the question, “Is it too late to apply?” by providing simple checklists and resources to help them through the process.

Focus your CTAs

When you have a limited amount of time to convey your message and encourage a prospect to act, it’s important to simplify. Consider including a standard set of CTAs aimed at spurring action, like: apply now, contact admissions, get answers to FAQs, etc. Ensure your CTAs are displayed prominently and consistently so prospects don’t have to search.

Create a new, condensed version of your commflow

When you have reached the “3 months to go” mark for enrollment, it might be a good time to switch any new leads over to your condensed commflow. Although it may be a semi-manual process on the backend, if you set up a weekly scrub designed to port over new leads, you may find the process to be simpler.

When you find ways to put your CRM to work for you, it can do a lot of the heavy lifting and take the weight off of your admissions staff.

If you’re looking for an agency that is well-versed in email communications, lead generation and enrollment marketing, GPRS is your partner. We can help you create a strategy to track leads and create action so you can fill your class. Give us a call to start the conversation.