Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Anthony Campisi | March 15th, 2021

Are your best prospects slipping through the cracks?

If your phone is ringing off the hook with new leads and existing prospects requesting more information – that’s a great problem to have! But not if your team is overloaded and doesn’t have the time or resources to answer the calls or follow up afterwards.

Let’s face it. A lot has changed (and continues to change) for admissions teams over the last year. Some or all of your staff may be working remotely. Your recruiting team may be smaller and dealing with consolidation of responsibilities. Everyone may be maxed out while trying to manage a strained hybrid events calendar while also balancing the need to be continuously available. If you’re struggling to keep up with new leads — whether it’s your typical volume or more— you’re not alone. Many schools are starting to realize that depending solely on traditional recruitment methods to meet the 24/7 demands today’s prospects is unrealistic. To connect with prospects on their terms, and within their timeframe, you need scale. This is where a centralized call center can become your support system.

Inbound support

Today’s prospects are more demanding than those you had a couple years ago. They are more digitally savvy and dependent on instant communication. If they decide to call you, you don’t want to miss them because they may move on quickly. What if every call coming into your admissions department was answered by a real person? Think about the impact it would have on your leads and prospects if they were able to talk to someone right away and get answers to their questions. And conversely, think about the benefit to your team if the person answering the phone was trained (by you) to pre-qualify the real leads and deliver timely data to you so that your recruiters could focus on the right ones? Better yet, what if those conversations were even scheduled for your team!

Text or phone call follow-up

Here’s where your admissions team can experience a backlog if your volume is too high (or you don’t have enough a large enough team). Voicemails and requests for information can pile up quickly and it may take some extra resources to help get back on track. Using a contact center can help by screening applicants, categorizing requests and handing off qualified leads. And when our staff takes the time to get to know the ins and outs of your school’s recruiting process, they can align communications with your brand and send prospects to your team seamlessly, giving you more time to focus on pulling them through the enrollment funnel.

What help can look like

GPRS boasts a state-of-the-art call center, complete with technology that enables real-time monitoring, as well as recording capabilities to ensure that our team is always a consistent extension of yours. All communications can be routed into your CRM platform – ensuring a simple transition with internal staff at the perfect time.

Although our contact center can manage several types of campaigns, prequalifying leads so staff can be more impactful with their time is a staple of our in-demand services. Getting the help you need will allow you to determine which leads to focus on, so the good ones don’t slip through the cracks – or worse yes, wind up calling a competitor.

Here’s what our calling services include:

  • A customized script
  • Agent/Advisor training on your brand
  • Flexible calling hours which can include nights and weekends in order to connect with prospects on their terms
  • Call reporting
  • A seamless hand-off of qualified leads to your recruiting staff

Real-time tracking

When you are using resources like a contact center to engage with your prospects on an ongoing basis, tracking is critical. Not only do you want to monitor communications, but you also want to keep a close eye on what’s performing well so that you can continue to optimize.

Get relief today

If you’re looking for resources to improve your customer experience, GPRS can help. Our contact center provides both inbound and outbound coverage for your program inquiries. We use state-of-the-art technology with real-time call monitoring and recording capabilities. This ensure our team is consistently an extension of yours.

Our other contact center services include:

  • Reigniting prospects who are stuck in your funnel and never matriculated
  • Following up on info session or online event attendance
  • Calling prospects to attend upcoming events
  • Contacting alumni for referrals

Let’s start the conversation today.