GPRS Higher Education Marketing Agency


GPRS Higher Education Marketing Agency

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Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Anthony Campisi | June 30th, 2022

New and unique ways to market your program

New and unique ways to market your programAs you are beginning to plan for your next recruiting year, it’s likely that you’ll be evaluating data surrounding the tactics that worked — and those that didn’t. While it may be tempting to put your marketing plan on autopilot and use past strategies to bring in leads, it may be worth it to try new and unique ways to market your program — especially these days!

Below is a roundup of a few unique ways higher ed institutions can market their programs. You might even notice a few of your competitors using these to stand out in the market. Don’t hesitate to take the first step to innovate and test new ideas — you may even see a big payoff!

Adding podcasts to your digital asset mix — and how to leverage them

You don’t have the be intimidated by podcasts. In fact, creating them and leveraging them may be easier than you think. Giving your students multiple ways to connect with your brand can benefit your school. Podcasts can be crucial to your media mix because they are personal and emotional, easy and inexpensive to produce, evergreen, accessible and convenient, and unique and engaging. Once you’re ready to brave the waters and try something new with a podcast, here’s how to get started.

Embracing the digital video advertising trend for your school

Although video advertising can work for any company in any industry, it’s becoming imperative in the higher ed world because of the personal scale connection required for large buying decisions like a degree. Video ads are shorter and more succinct than the traditional 3-5 minute video you have on your website or YouTube channel about your program, the benefits of your school, or a testimonial from a professor or student. If your school is considering embracing the video ad trend, here are a few secrets to help you succeed.

Leveraging alumni stories to boost your digital strategy

Every graduate program claims to have rigorous academics, highly regarded faculty, and fantastic employment or advancement opportunities. How do you prove that your institution is worth the investment and that students can anticipate the success they’re seeking? This is where alumni stories come in. Your school’s brand identity is shaped by how you tell your story. Profiling alumni can be one of the most powerful forms of storytelling. Learn how you can use these stories and their content to boost your digital strategy.

Are the latest social platforms a fit for your school?

When you are using social media to complement your marketing and communications plan, a high viewership is almost always guaranteed. However, with any marketing tactic, the key is to make sure that your content is reaching the target demographic with the right message at the right time. You may have heard your peers in higher ed or your digital agency talking about advertising on Spotify, Pandora, Reddit, Pinterest or even TikTok. But how do you know which platforms are right for your school, and whether or not they will help you achieve your recruiting and enrollment goals? Read on for some tips about selecting the best social media for your goals.

Need help?

If you’re interested in learning more about how these and other tactics and strategies can fit into your school’s marketing and recruiting strategy, GPRS can help. Contact us today to start the conversation.


Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Techteam | June 21st, 2022

The TCU Neeley EMBA program used being ‘personal, connected, and real’ to leap forward in the global rankings


The TCU Neeley EMBA Program was on the rise in the global and national rankings. Alumni engagement was at an all-time high and students enjoyed learning from the globally recognized faculty. Yet, the program experienced a dip in enrollment. Competition in the Texas market and among more recognized top-ranked programs proved to be fierce. Other programs had more staff resources and invested more in marketing. The program needed a cost-effective solution to maintain momentum and its personalized approach to recruiting EMBA candidates.


TCU Neeley leveraged persona development work to improve the admissions process and the student academic experience.

GPRS first completed an audit of the program, interviewing alumni and students, analyzing the pre-existing audience targeting, and reviewing the marketing strategy and digital tools the program was utilizing. GPRS applied the research results to form five personas, or profiles of different student types that represent the best fit for the TCU Neeley EMBA program.

With the personas in place, GPRS developed a segmented remarketing strategy across all paid media and social platforms to move leads into the inquiry phase of the funnel. Drip/nurture email campaigns were also employed and added to the touchpoint data captured in their Salesforce CRM platform. Multivariate tested ads addressed the themes that resonated best with each persona.

TCU was our first client to take the personas and incorporate them into their curriculum. Their objective was to ensure students received their expected ROI. To meet this objective, the program created different learning tracks for each persona in their leadership development course. Executive coaches were assigned that specialized in working with leaders in each persona to position the program to deliver the expected outcomes for its students.


TCU Neeley Executive MBA Program increased the number of leads by 300% after three months of working with GPRS. In the second year, the EMBA program surpassed its diversity goals by enrolling a cohort with 31% female students and 50% of the class being from ethnically diverse backgrounds. In addition, the EMBA program ascended to #13 in The Economist global rankings and was rated #5 in program quality.

TCU pennant


YOY increase in leads generated


of the Class of 2022 was ethnically diverse


Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Techteam | June 20th, 2022

The Harbert College of Business at Auburn University scratched its way to steady enrollment during the pandemic


Like many graduate business programs. the Harbert College of Business at Auburn University was faced with the daunting task of maintaining enrollment during the pandemic. To make the task even more challenging, Auburn had 3 graduate business programs — Real Estate Development, Executive MBA, and Physicians Executive MBA — that needed to sustain enrollment.


We have enjoyed a strong and long-standing partnership with the Harbert College of Business. Our history together positioned us well to tackle the challenge presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. We leveraged the following advantages:

  • We leveraged data collected over the first 5 years of our partnership to determine how we could adapt our marketing strategy in response to the changing marketplace
  • We understood the program and student needs well and thus empowered us to market the program as if we are part of the team
  • We helped Auburn improve the recruitment experience for prospective students and staff


With these advantages and our experience in lead generation, we increased the number of leads for the three programs by 8%. These leads resulted in enrolled students that yielded $5.3M in revenue for the Harbert College of Business.

To maintain these outstanding results, Auburn has decided to use our curated library of Nurture Campaigns to engage leads generated by our digital marketing campaigns. The objective is to maintain contact with prospective students throughout the application process. In doing so, the prospective students are more informed and encouraged to continue the application process. Furthermore, the admissions team increases their reach and connections with prospective students without investing more time and resources.

Auburn University pennant


Number of years in partnership


Tuition revenue generated from GPRS leads


Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Techteam | June 19th, 2022

The Zicklin School of Business Restores its Confidence in the Path Forward


Baruch Zicklin School of Management faced declining enrollment in their graduate business programs, exacerbated by market forces and rising operational costs, which transformed their programs into a “luxury good” in the competitive New York metropolitan area. Profitability became increasingly elusive, necessitating critical decisions about the future.


Baruch engaged GPRS to conduct an unbiased Enrollment Growth Assessment to diagnose the root causes of their enrollment challenges. This involved in-depth interviews with key internal stakeholders—faculty and staff—and a collaborative session to prioritize objectives based on the assessment’s insights.

GPRS delivered a comprehensive report outlining key findings and actionable recommendations tailored to address their enrollment issues. This resulted in a strategic action plan that revitalized confidence within the Baruch Zicklin team.

Baruch and GPRS established a lasting partnership post-assessment, leveraging various GPRS services, including our Call Center solution. This service bolstered Baruch’s admissions capabilities by deploying GPRS’s expertise to engage new leads, active applicants, and dormant prospects identified in the assessment.

“The Enrollment Growth Assessment helped us refine our marketing and recruiting efforts,” said Tricillia Jacob, Director of Administration & Operations of Executive Programs at Baruch Zicklin. “It revived lead generation and re-engaged stalled leads, effectively guiding us towards enrollment.

“GPRS’s strategies solidified our confidence in our path forward.”


Implementing GPRS’s recommendations addressed critical blind spots identified in the Enrollment Growth Assessment. It enabled Baruch’s admissions team to focus more efficiently on meeting their enrollment objectives despite challenging market dynamics. Within just four weeks of the campaign, the Call Center Solution facilitated 162 appointments for the admissions team, demonstrating significant progress in engagement and conversion of leads identified through the assessment.

In conclusion, the Enrollment Growth Assessment not only pinpointed immediate areas for improvement but also provided a roadmap for sustainable enrollment success.

“I might want to keep GPRS to myself to boost my own image, but I highly recommend their services,” said Jacob. “Our continued collaboration promises a bright future for Baruch Zicklin.”

Baruch pennant


Weeks in the Campaign


Appointments Set for the Admissions Team


Insights from the Higher Ed Experts

BY Anthony Campisi | June 16th, 2022

Making the case for specializations to prospective students

Making the case for specializations to prospective studentsSpecializations can make your program more attractive to prospective students, especially if they are positioned and explained well. The key is to not only focus on the features of your specializations but also the benefits for the students. In other words — your marketing needs to spell out the “why” for them because adding a specialization takes extra time and focus. Beyond a generalized MBA that will certainly give them a leg up on the competition and a springboard to career advancement, what can a specialization add to their toolkit?

Here we have a few ideas on positioning specializations to prospects to convey the value.

Focus on their career path

The value of an MBA is clear – students will emerge stronger business leaders with a broader business perspective and able to tackle complex issues. Where a specialization becomes valuable depends on the student’s intended career path. If a student has a defined focus in a certain industry (like tech), a specific functional area (like marketing), or has the desire to pursue a unique path (like international business), a specialization can enhance their marketability. It’s important to frame your specializations to match up with your prospects’ career desires. For those that are extremely driven and focused, specialization can be a huge selling point as it will allow them to dive deeper into their intended area of interest and position themselves amongst their peers.

Focus on what employers want

A commitment to a certain skillset or industry may be seen as invaluable to employers and may make job candidates even more desirable. In today’s economy, anything candidates can do to upskill shows ambition and commitment to go the extra mile. When you are marketing specializations to prospects, make sure you focus on why future employers will find their specialized skillsets valuable:

  • In some industries and roles, specialists are seen as more desirable than generalists
  • Employees with specializations are often seen as loyal and dedicated to their craft
  • A specialization may increase your propensity for being an innovative leader, especially if the professors who teach the courses are leaders in their fields
  • Some jobs require extra certifications for candidacy

Focus on the value of added certifications

If your specialization offers an additional certification, be sure to tie in the value prospects will gain with the additional credential. For example, some specializations offer training for and/or the ability to earn an additional certification in a selected career path:

  • Finance: Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
  • Accounting: Certified Public Accountant (CPA); Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
  • Technology: Statistical Analysis System Certified (SAS)
  • Human Resources: Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI)
  • Marketing or Operations: Project Management Professional (PMP)

Additionally, if your healthcare specialization is taught by a policy leader or a top-ranked physician, or it includes in-person immersions, highlight those. If your HR specialization includes a certification from an organization that would otherwise cost an additional fee, be sure to include that in your messaging. If your strategy specialization includes working with a real client company to solve a business challenge, find ways to tell that story.

Many of these certifications are nationally and internationally recognized so adding them to a resume proves candidates have received in-depth training from top instructors in a certain field. In fact, some employers require specific certifications for certain roles — and having them can even boost salary.

Need help?

If you need help crafting a campaign around MBA specializations, GPRS can help. With over 20 years of experience working in the higher education industry, we are skilled at customizing your message for your unique audience to increase enrollment. Contact us today to start the conversation.



121 N. Main St., Suite 109
Souderton, PA 18964



For over two decades, GPRS has been a trusted higher education marketing agency, offering custom solutions to institutions of all sizes and degree types. Admissions directors, marketing directors, deans, and presidents rely on GPRS to provide a depth of services, including strategy, lead generation, digital marketing, nurture communications, recruiting, and analytics.

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